Same old, same old? Or go forward this summer with a new perspective…

Here in the Northeast, when summer finally arrives, you want to spend as much time as possible savoring every moment of the longer days filled with warm temperatures and beautiful weather.
It’s been an exceptional year, filled with loss, unknown stressors, and a mind-numbing jolt into another lifestyle. We all long for relief, relaxation, and basking in the sun, and we all ponder the nature of life ahead of us. What will be the new normal? Do we want to shift direction back to the past or take with us more positive elements of our pondering into post pandemic times? If you are a pianist, or a piano lover who wants to enrich your life now as summer opens up; here are some ideas to keep your music, one of the most meaningful parts of your life, thriving and flourishing.
First, grab a moment to consider these important questions about your personal needs.
- How could I finally achieve my long-desired dream of learning to play piano? - How can I afford to jeopardize the musical level that I have worked so hard to achieve? - How can I put playing the piano on hold for two months without suffering the consequences? - How can I keep my music alive and stay motivated?
Maybe a change of focus in your piano learning is the answer with one of our electives.
Here Are Seven Summertime Solutions for Sustaining and Enriching Your Music
1. Inspire and refresh your playing by listening to other artists’ renditions of songs you play or would like to play.
2. Look at the sheet music while you listen to recordings of pieces you would like to learn.
3. Put your favorite pieces into a loose-leaf book or folder and play a few every day before bed or first thing in the morning.
4. Read books and articles or listen to audiobooks about music such as biographies of performers and/or composers.
Here are a few I’ve found inspirational:
The Inner Game of Music by Barry Green Effortless Mastery by Kenny Werner Piano Lessons by Noah Adams
The Art of Possibility by Benjamin and Rosamund Zander The Musician’s Way by Gerald Klickstein
The Music Lesson by Victor L. Wooten
5. Practice outdoors on a portable keyboard or explore musical ideas on your iPad with Garageband.
6. Set a realistic musical goal for the fall, for example: I will memorize one song, I will be able to play five songs well, I will learn one new song or classical piece, or I will select 10 songs to learn during the year.
7. Take some piano lessons during the summer months or take one of our wonderful Electives as enrichment.
Summer breaks are not recommended for any piano students since you put hard work into your musical practice and development. Protect the investment in your efforts. This is because it is very frustrating to make up for the inevitable loss of 2 months when you return to lessons in the fall. However, it can be revitalizing to change the focus of your lessons during the summer by exploring other areas of piano playing such as improvisation or accompaniment. The take-away could be a new insight and direction to an already loved facet of your life.
About Diana Mascari
Diana Mascari-Piano Teacher for Adults
Diana Mascari has taught piano to hundreds of adults and children for more than 45 years. She holds two Masters of Music degrees from New England Conservatory and taught keyboard harmony to music majors while pursuing doctoral studies at Boston University. She was the music director for a multi-cultural Presbyterian Church for four decades, and her jazz and classical compositions have been performed worldwide. Diana has been performing for more than 50 years. From solo jazz piano to commercial groups touring the East Coast to leading her own jazz ensembles at colleges and jazz clubs throughout New England.
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